If you are planning to keep your car longer than just the length of your loan, then you really need to be sure you know how to keep your vehicles interior and exterior looking new. This not only gives you a bit more sense of value to yourself and your car as it continues to look new, but also you will find it to be much easier to trade the vehicle in for the price you want.

clean your cAR

The Sun is your Worst Enemy!

The paint on your vehicle, it isn’t there to just make your car look colorful, bright, and clean. But it is the only line of defense against the Suns beating UV rays. The sun over time can cause the paint on your vehicle to fade. You can either look into a car garage, car port, or if you don’t want to spend that sort of money, the best thing you can do is buy a car cover. You see a lot of older vehicle models, and some classics, that are always covered, even in the garage, this helps from not just the sun, but dust as well. Nonetheless, whether your car is old or new, it’s going to be in your best interest to extend the life of your car’s exteriors with a paint protection film.

Someone Nicked my Car!

You go into the grocery store, and you come out twenty minutes later to find a grocery cart has slammed into the side of your car, or you notice a large nick on your passenger side, because someone wasn’t watching how they opened their own car door. Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with these small nicks and scratches to your brand new car. So what can you do? Well we recommend you fix them as soon as you can. Look into buying some matching paint, which you can use to touch up yourself whenever you do get a nick like this.

Winter Months can Quickly bring Rust!

If you live in an area that sees a lot of snow, and long winter months, it is very important that you maintain the exterior of your vehicle by bringing it to the car wash, and make sure your wash it thoroughly. Reason being a lot of the roads are going to be sanded, but those sand mixtures usually have salt mixed in. Now this salt, with the moisture and snow, can start to stick to every inch of your car, and this will start to eat away at paint, metal and start to rust the vehicle. Rinsing the undercarriage of your vehicle is quite possibly the most important place to rinse during the winter, as that is where a lot of this salt and sand is kicked up from your tires.

So there you have just a few ways to keep your vehicles exterior looking fresh and clean. This will help lengthen the life of your vehicle, so if you do plan to trade it in or sell it to a used car dealership like Car City West, then you know you will be able to bring them a car that is nearly in mint condition, and it will be hard for anyone to not offer you a great value for your used car.



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