Believe it or not, but many, many people service their cars themselves. While it’s true that a good portion of the population chooses to visit a garage, DIY car servicing is still a very viable option.

The benefits of home servicing are numerous, and well worth the time investment. For starters, you’ll save hefty garage fees, making your wallet thank you in the process. You’ll also know the job has been done thoroughly, rather than leaving it to the mercy of a stranger. Aside from this, it’s just plain satisfying to repair and service a car yourself. Just make sure your head doesn’t swell up too much!

So, for those looking to begin their very own home service, here are some important steps you need to take. Whether your car has broken down or is in need of a check-up, you can always do it yourself!

Step One: Tools And Resources List

Car ServicingImage Credit: Flickr

You’ll need a general and specific set of tools before you begin. This is to ensure you can fully test and inspect every area of your vehicle. You should gather up:

  1. A wide range of screwdrivers and Allen keys
  2. A socket set
  3. Oil filter, removal tool, and some oil
  4. A jack, to raise the car up
  5. Tyre pressure checker
  6. Spark plug removal tool
  7. Tyre pump
  8. Optional: tea and biscuits

Most good car parts shops will supply the various bits and pieces you need, so consult with them if necessary. Additionally, you’ll want to have a read of any service manuals that relate to your particular vehicle. You may think you know it like the back of your hand, but there will always be something you missed.

Step Two: Basic Functionality Checks

The very first thing you should do is check that the vehicle is operating sufficiently at a basic level. Firstly, check any and all lights – including rears – to make sure they’re working. This also includes warning lights on the dashboard, if possible. If you can’t see your rear lights, get another person to help or use a mirror. It may be easy to forget to check your rear tail lights but it is important they are working properly to prevent rear-end accidents.

Next, check all three pedals thoroughly and check that the wheel is tight and moves correctly. Make sure all your tyres are pumped up sufficiently too. Use a tyre pressure gauge to check the air levels. Pump a little air into them if they’re lacking. Finally, check all seat belts are tight and can be worn properly and comfortably.

Step Three: Maintenance Checks

Firstly, remove the engine oil cap from the topside of the engine. Use an oil catch pan to drain the oil, carefully. This can take several minutes to fully drain. Once drained, be sure to dispose of it properly. It’s illegal to get rid of oil in the garbage. Take it to an oil waste station, safely.

When refilling the oil, do it slowly and make frequent checks of the level. Once it’s a little below the maximum marker, you’re done! Replace your oil cap and start the engine for a few minutes.

Next, replace the air filter by unscrewing the old one and dropping a new one in. Air filters are usually easy to remove, so there are no problems here. After this, check your cam belts and timing belts for any indication of damage or wear. Changing these belts frequently can prevent long-term damage, although you’ll be safe if you opt not to.

Should you service your own car? There’s no reason not to. All you have to do is be careful, don’t rush, and have the proper high-quality tools at your disposal. Have a read online before you begin, and the process should go a lot more smoothly. Good luck!


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